How would you prefer JoeyBob to die?

Thursday 25 September 2008

This is perhaps going to look out of place on a blog that I set up (and neglected) primarily for football issues, but hey, there's always a place for randomness!

The Answer to the Meaning of Life is: CARROT!

I plan to start on a serious note, before becoming progressively lighter; prior to crashing head first into plain stupidity, so stay with me here!

There are many theories about the meaning of life, ranging from each human reaching a level of goodness whereby they no longer need to be re-born, to the belief that we're all part of something much bigger; small particles of a grand design.

For me, it's far simpler than that.

In order to demonstrate my theory, I'll use the carrot.

An ugly green mop of hair, protruding from a muddy crop, appearing to many, at first glance, as nothing more than a weed that is passed on their way to admiring the rose beds.

Symbolic, perhaps, of the judgemental society within which we co-exist.

Like anything else, when we scratch beneath the surface, setting aside stereotypes, judgements and prejudices, the carrot is as good an example as any to show the beauty that often lies within.

For if the ignorant among us, who's gaze is firmly fixated upon those rose beds, demonstrated the most minor horticultural skill (risking the wrath, of course, of the farmer!) and took the time to examine the body attached to the unsightly green mop that lies beneath the surface, they may find themselves pleasantly surprised.

Therein lies a vegetable, full of nutrition, flavour, freshness, colour and potential.

This of course, symbolically speaking, is why a large proportion of the lives of those in society today remain unfulfilled....we simply don't look hard enough.

The meaning of life to me is simple:

We are here to love and respect one another, understand one another and discover the Samaritan within. I fear we'll never find such a utopia, which is why life is often described as eternal.

To those people who are quick to judge, who find it easy to turn a blind eye and whose flexibility is so rigid I could use it as a stick to beat them with (!), I say simply this:

Enjoy your salad, but watch out for the thorns from the roses!

Me, I'll enjoy my carrot!

Lightening up!

If we can all add a little carrot to our lives, we'll surely reap the rewards:

hOnour (OK, I'm cheating)
sTrength (once I start, I just can't stop!)


Crashing into stupidity!

Don't walk around in a daze,
Marching with your eyes wide shut.
Scratch beneath the surface
There's a broad horizon afoot.

Don't march towards to the rose beds,
Come and pull my hair
Uproot me and I'll turn heads
With my fiery orange glare

Wash me down and taste me
You can even remove my skin
For the meaning of life has to be
The tenderness within

Don't walk around in a daze
Like all the other mugs
I'm startling and I'll amaze
And I'm good enough for Bugs!

Our world is like a pick n mix
Decidedly disparate
So when you're needing guidance
Please, turn to the CARROT!

Lee Adams - 25th September 2008